Change Something Once a Year – Growth through change and stress

As we come up on the new year, it’s a good time to talk about MEANINGFUL growth and change. 1) Growth is a response to stress. Nobody expects their body to improve by sitting around on the couch avoiding the stress of exercise. Same with intellectual and spiritual growth. There are limits to this obviously, but seeking a carefree, stress-free life will make you stagnate. Worse, it will weaken you.Don’t avoid stressful things if they are part of you reaching your goals.  2) Change something MEANINGFUL about your life once a year. Change jobs. Move. Have another kid. Write a book. The bigger…

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“Experienced” Female Companionship, or Infinite Fried Chicken?

This was a good piece of viral content – everyone has something to say. If you don’t know how Mia is, she was a well-known pornstar that worked for about a year (*Update: Three months) in the industry, made almost no money in it, talked candidly about the consequences of it, and now does other stuff (non-pornographic) on the internet for money. I guess at one point she was the most searched for porn actress on some of the biggest sites. It makes her a great target for what twitter likes to do as a collective being – dunk on…

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The Force Awakens, 4 years later

It’s been 4 years since I watched and reviewed The Force Awakens, or “Star Wars Episode 7.” I did a few videos (below) to re-examine it absent my emotional reactions and with my gains in perspective over the last few years. I discovered some interesting things First, the movie still sucks. It actually sucks worse, since the visual impact is reduced (due to me having already seen it and watching it at home) and that just leaves the nonsensical story to focus on. Second, I realized that my original assessment of it as a fan film is right on point…

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Mandalorian Chapter 6: Space Jailbreak (video)

Newest Star Wars video, where I talk about what works and what doesn’t with the newest Mandalorian episode. In this episode, we have a classic jailbreak set-up, but rather than cowboys storming a train to free the outlaw, we attack a jail transport in space. High point – making characters unlikable before punishing them Low point – they take their time in what should be a high-tension affair. By the way, my newest book is out! Get it here:

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It means fear of the number 13 and things associated with it. I actually learned this word tangentially today: And yes! Eyes in the Walls is finally live in all formats. But this got me thinking – why are people “superstitious” and what does “superstition” really mean? Oddly, I think if you look at Pagan history, particularly that of antiquity, the concept is almost an inversion of what we think of today. Pagans viewed rituals as something that created outcomes via the attention of the gods – you made a sacrifice, Jupiter looked favorably upon your military campaign. You keep…

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Eyes in the Walls, chapter 2

I couldn’t shake that horrible thing from my dreams. It didn’t help that I had to go to the funeral home at least once a week. I did my best to focus on my homework, but I could never get rid of the feeling that the thing in the morgue was watching me, waiting. At night I imagined him following me home and sneaking into my house, standing at the foot of my bed in the darkness, licking his lips.

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Eyes in the Walls, Chapter 1

My mom used to joke that being a mortician was the best job in the world because all of your customers walk away satisfied. At least, they never complain – of course they never walk away. Except… maybe I saw one of them walk away.

Should I tell you the story?

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The Writestream is at last coming to an end, with show #50. In this show, we will focus on how to end a story, resolve the conflict, and leave the reader/viewer satisfied. Please stop by and pay your respects (press F). If the channel still exists after December 10, I will be beginning another livestream format, hopefully bringing in more guests and creating something entertaining as well as informative. Also be sure to pick up my huge Christmas collection, which includes 10 books, before it goes out of print in January. And pre-order Eyes in the Walls, by new…

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For a limited time only, you can get all of my published books in one mammoth volume – $9.99 for the ebook or (very appropriately) $20.19 for the gigantic paperback. I thought this would be a fun way to offer all of my stuff in one place, and also to publish a very large, very red book. The paperback is A4 size, set in two columns at size 10 font to pack everything in under 600 pages, making the volume quite affordable for the rather large amount of content within. Check this thing out!   This will be GONE come…

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Eyes in the Walls – Psychological Horror coming Friday the 13th of December

I’ve got a new book coming out, and you can pre-order it for 99 cents. After this period, the price will go up to 2.99. The ebook is free for Kindle Unlimited customers, and will be free for paperback customers when the physical becomes available. What should you expect? Eyes in the Walls is a book about a boy named Billy who sees a monster. No adults in his life believe him. They think he’s crazy, and they put him on antipsychotics. However, the other kids seem to believe him, even confirming the reality of the monster, who lives in the…

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