I’ve lived a medium-length life, but it’s been highly varied. As a musician, I met and befriended many different kids of people… or so I thought.
I had a sad realization watching my social media feeds (other than twitter) fill up black squares, or perhaps more of a recognition of what I already knew:
The truth is, almost everyone I have known as an adult is a member of, or is highly submissive to, that psychic cadre we call the death cult. The further I get from it, and the closer I get to real people – whether they are spiritual or not – the more intolerable the death cult becomes.
The ritual of “blackout” posting I found offensive, not just because it accomplishes literally nothing, but also because it was the digital version of public self-flagelation.
No sooner than it began, it doubled, as the legions of suburban whites terrified (rightfully so) to head down to a “protest” (frenzied looting) were soon notified that their posting was disrupting “vital flow of information” for the “Black lives matter” movement by crowding the hashtag.
Nobody wants to watch somebody they care about – or once knew – engaging in public self-debasement for the benefit of those who hate them. It’s disturbing, like watching a family member chant ritual chants to demons, which is quite close to what it actually is. Recieving smarmy comments from people I once knew for refusing to join in is even worse.
That return to reality that the black squares impressed upon me was that if I had unfollowed/blocked everybody who engaged in the ritual, I would have almost no “friends” left.
But are they my friends?
If you hate me and want me dead, are you my friend? I don’t think so.
I reap what I sow. Spending my youth among the masses of death cultists, though the experienced hardened me, has left me with few real friends or allies. Arts departments are like seminaries, but to an unforgiving anti-god, so it should be expected that almost everyone I met there has turned out to be insane. I’d be healthier as a plumber, if perhaps a bit less robust.
At certain point you have to ask yourself – when do people stop being a neurtral memory and become a liability?
At a certain point, they are. If the morality is twisted enough, they will act against their “friend” – because I am not their friend. Not really. Social media has created an imaginary community that isn’t real – it’s a false social network, and it imposes false pressure on people.
Remember that leftists were advocating calling CPS on Trump supporters? They may be total cowards reduced to Pharisee-like public acts of virtue-signaling, but it doesn’t require much bravery to pick up a phone and call the government to do you work for you. It makes me think.
The Death Cult doesn’t play by rules. Even the public sacrifices do not bring forgiveness. The cult is also made up of people.
This is part of why I hate Facebook. It’s not just the dystopian nature of the giant that hijacks people’s dopamine systems, turning them into npcs, it’s the fact that my feed is full of embarassing ugliness.
Thanks for stopping by. God bless you.
Yeah it really feels like you’re alone sometimes. Have to remember the online friends are just avatars. But it’s hard not to get into it when people irl are real, but still programmed. Rough stuff.
Part of what I’m feeling is that these people aren’t IRL anymore. It stopped being IRL years ago. There are common experiences there, true, but but that’s it I guess.
You’re not alone!
Even if I’m alone… Not alone
The more they reveal their irreverence for anything that doesn’t forward their ambitions, the more people will become aware of how disturbing it all is, even if it’s only when the mob turns it’s disfavor upon them.
I fear the time is coming where I have to stop being neutral and out myself as a conservative who thinks the last 10 days of violence should never, ever have been catered to. I’m hesitant because I barely have a toe through the door of being published, much less a foot. I call myself a coward every day.
I can’t tell you how much I admire your courage in being so forthright and speaking with such clarity.
Are you planning on self-publishing? If you are, then no one can tell you what to think and hold your opinions over your head.
It’s even worse when the embarrassing ugliness comes from family who we’ve “friended” on social media. Hopefully no one tries to talk politics at the next family gathering.
My wife and I have lost a lot of friends since 2016. I refused to ever take the knee to the Death Cult, and at the time I worked at a parish that served the campus community of a university: so faculty and teachers. As a dissident right/becoming trad/early Pro-Trump guy, the ugliness that was directed at my Facebook page was awful. Professors demanded I be fired or at least kill my Facebook account for fear of me swaying the students. I refused, but the experience made me quit music and liturgy to pursue a different, and better paying career.
When we left, we both decided to end our Facebook pages (didn’t need it for work like you do David) and have not looked back. We also cut ties with the death cultists in our lives and reduce our exposure to cowards or DCer’s in the family, while surrounding ourselves with those who can see. And reading blogs of those who can see. The service that folks like you and Niemeier provide by your blog posts is an uncounted but much appreciated act of charity. It’s good to know we are not alone, and that the Remnant is not as small as it sometimes feels. Pax tecum.