I did a livestream last night talking about some of the big “Red Pills” I had taken, especially having known and spent time with Dan Bilzerian. As part of that, I said that the biggest thing I learned from him is that MONEY is the most important thing when it comes to pursuing worldly ambitions – sex, power, status, etc. Enough money can overcome any deficit. It can: Buy attention directly (advertising) Buy attention indirectly (lavish parties, etc.) Buy sex directly (prostitution) Buy sex indirectly (lavish vacations provided free to women, the transaction of attention from a “high-status” male for…

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Change Something Once a Year – Growth through change and stress

As we come up on the new year, it’s a good time to talk about MEANINGFUL growth and change. 1) Growth is a response to stress. Nobody expects their body to improve by sitting around on the couch avoiding the stress of exercise. Same with intellectual and spiritual growth. There are limits to this obviously, but seeking a carefree, stress-free life will make you stagnate. Worse, it will weaken you.Don’t avoid stressful things if they are part of you reaching your goals.  2) Change something MEANINGFUL about your life once a year. Change jobs. Move. Have another kid. Write a book. The bigger…

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