Been Sick!

I’ve missed a couple of content updates this week, mostly because I’ve had a terrible cold, and haven’t felt like I’ve had my usual focus and clarity of thought. Hopefully updates will resume normally next week, and I’ll try to get a few in over the weekend to keep Moonsong running along smoothly. I’m excited about this rewrite, which I think will be the best telling of this story yet (If you haven’t seen it before, that’s because you weren’t a beta reader – rest assured, the new draft is quite good compared to the old).

What’s next for DVS Press

Another story is in the bag, so it is time to look forward. I’ll be making some site updates in the next few days, including improving landing page experiences and sprucing up the look and feel of the menus, as well as providing some readers guides to help people explore and dive into all the content I’ve worked so hard to create thus far.

I have a few projects in the pipe for the site, and as always, the difficulty is in deciding which one will go first. Since my last project was scifi, I think it’s time for a short trip back into fantasy:


This is the tentative title for the next project, which takes place in a fictional, magic-less fantasy universe dominated by war, religion, and the trade in drugs and forbidden technology. I’ve written two novels in the Moonsong universe so far, with neither being released just yet. They represent the first attempt I had made at writing novels, and so even now the books are full of mistakes, bad writing, bad decisions, and stylistic inconsistency. My goal with the serial publication of these works is to correct these problems, rewrite things when necessary, tighten up the pacing, and, of course, to share my work.

Sea of Stars is the first volume in the series, and contains four acts in three different locales. Right now, I’m planning on publishing one act at a time, with other works interspersed as each act finishes. I’d also like to do more illustration in the future, something I really enjoyed with Prophet of the God Seed when I had the time to get out my inks.

The Master Butcher (Halloween special aphorism)

An aphorism is different from a short story or a piece of flash fiction in that it does not seek to set up or resolve any plot. It is like a snapshot of a particular setting, character, or an expression of a feeling. The following horror aphorism is somewhat inspired by (but not derived from) a track called, “The Master Butcher’s Apron” off of Death Metal band Carcass’s last LP, Surgical Steel. Check it out if you have the time. There was a flash from the east. A burning streak split the evergrey sky, lit coldly by a blood-red sun in…

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Irregular Temporal Probability

Kenneth had never seen an irregular temporal sphere before. Bernard leaned on his knees and held the object between his hands, staring at the golden center, swirling like the center of the galaxy and throbbing like a dying heart. It glowed subtly. Temporal singularities were uncommon playthings, even for the wealthy. “So what did you decide to study?” Kenneth asked, putting down his tablet. He was starting to get fatigued from his class readings. Temporal vibrating membranes was a hugely interesting academic area, but required more of Kenneth’s brain power than he could spare with Bernard sitting in his dorm…

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Infrequent Updates

Due to my schedule, and all the things in my personal life restricting my creative goals, it is unlikely I will be able to continue putting out content for this particular site on a regular basis, at least for the next 2-3 weeks. Thanks to everyone who has read my stuff and talked to me, commented, etc. so far. Of course, depending on the amount of downtime I have in the immediate future, I could be putting out loads of content, I’m just not expecting to have any. If I can find a way, I’ll be putting up stuff from…

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Ah, a place for all my homeless ideas.

Even those that know me may not know all the crazy stuff that I work on day to day.  I write screenplays with +Matt Wellman as well as develop other ideas; I write stories, books, and graphic novels (that’s some new territory for me), and I still have to find time to keep up my guitar chops and update my musical content.  I toyed with the idea of making this a home for all my political ideas (as if there weren’t enough of those), but I quickly realised that my politics are expressed much more convincingly in my art than in direct…

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